It's Time To Become A Remote Working Warrior!
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One of the major areas I was unsure of when I first started working remotely a few years back was if I should go down the home office route or move forward with a coworking space. My job was...
With the pandemic, has come a large increase in the number of remote workers. What hasn’t been unprecedented is the massive increase in foot pain and trips to the doctors around foot related...
Remote working is one of the fastest growing trends facing the modern workforce with it increasing by 90% over the past ten years. Many employees, myself included, can find the adjustment to be...
The Top Home Office Virtual Background Ideas When Using Zoom
One of the things I’ve been doing a fair bit during the lockdown, is changing things up by adding backgrounds to my zoom meetings. Whilst seen as novelty at first, they can be a fun way of...
One of the major challenges us remote workers face and don’t anticipate enough of at the start of our working from home journey is just how stressful it is. In between balancing your...
Like peanut butter and jelly, working from home and getting distracted were pretty much the staples of my remote working journey for my first few months. Every few minutes, I would wander away...