Best Remote Working Books: My Top Picks for 2020

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Working from home can definitely be a shock to the system if you are not familiar with it. Whilst you find yourself being more productive, loneliness and focus can be an issue. 

One of the ways In which I got over this was by reading a few books that really helped with my mindset. Now bare in mind I’m not that much of a big reader myself but the following really helped get my head on right when dealing with a new situation. 

  1. Eat That Frog by Brian Tracy 
  2. The Four Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris 
  3. Can’t Hurt Me by David Goggins
  4. Think and Grow Rich – Napoleon hill
  5. Work Energy Jim Harmer

Let’s find out a little more about these below

Eat That Frog by Brain Tracy

Eat that frog is a great book by Brian Tracy who is one of the leading authors when it comes to productivity. He’s published more books then I’ve read and particularly specialises in habit building which is obviously great when working remotely. 

What I really like about Eat That Frog is the perspective it gives you. By doing the most difficult task first or eating the frog your building up positive habits and basically reinforcing to your brain that you get stuff done. 

You can check it out here. 

The Four Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris 

So for anyone unfamiliar with this book your probably thinking this has to be a joke right. Whilst the book is geared towards people making money online and learning to focus on the 80% of tasks that give them the best results, what I really liked about this book is how it puts things into perspective and gives you actionable takeaways when working remotely. 

Tim Ferris is also a work renowned business person who has done everything he said in the book ( which is saying a lot) and the book is great read for anyone focused on remote working or wanting to ditch the 9-5. 

You can check it out here. 

Can’t Hurt Me by David Goggins

David Goggins is a former US navy seal who recently gained popularity for beating the all time world record pull up challenge, he also used to be morbidly obese and managed to make the Navy seals by training his mind to do so. 

This is a great book to get you fired up and get stuff done. I like listening to this one on audiobook so you have David shouting in your ear. Just listening to some of his stories of human achievement really shows you how far you can push yourself which I think is essential for anyone working remotely who is surrounded by distractions. 

You can check it out here.

Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill 

This book was published almost 100 years ago and yet the lessons in there still apply today. 

The book follows Napoleon and the lessons he picked up working with Andrew Carnegie who went on to become one of the richest men in America. 

Whilst the book definitely does have some law of attraction elements to it, the lessons around mindset and keep pushing forward I would definitely recommend for everyone to read. 

You can check it out here. 

Work Energy by Jim Harmer

So Jim Harmer is one of the owners of project 24, a blogging and YouTube tutorial school which teaches people how to get  started on making side hustles – heck it;s what i used to  set up this site. 

Now anyone who has done blogging for any length of time knows how frustrating it can be especially when you are locked up in a room for any significant period of time. 

What I really like about this book is you follow Jim on his success and many, many failures and  shows how to develop a work ethic that will allow you to get what you need. 

You can check it out here. 

Now whilst all these books talk about productivity I would also recommend reading books specifically designed around your field, not only to master your field but also to learn how to become more efficient at them.