Best Headphones for Remote working: My Top Picks for 2020

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So anyone who has worked remotely knows just how rough it can be dealing with external sounds. If you’re working from a coffee shop then you’ve got the  sound of crowds. If you work with music on then you want to make sure you can stay focused and not hear people talking over your sweet beats. 

My recommendation then for the best headphones for remote  working in 2020 has to be the Sony WH1000XM3 which you can get here. 

Now like anything you read/watch on the internet it’s important I justify what I feel as though these are the best on the marketplace. The reason I set this blog up is to be a safe space away from people just trying to flog products at you. 

Why do I recommend the Sony headphones

So what exactly are the reasons I recommend the Sony headphones, well in my opinion there are a few key reasons: 

A brand name you can trust

Let’s face it, everyone knows Sony. They are one of the oldest manufacturers in the world of electronic goods and I honestly think I have been making headphones since longer then I was born. 

As such they know what they are doing when it comes to build quality and reliability with these headphones potentially being able to support you for life. 

Super comfy 

Anyone who has had to deal with the scourge of cheap headphones knows how badly they can dig into your heart or leave feeling like you’ve just gone 12 rounds with Mike Tyson. 

Not the case with the Sony Headphones which have a comfortable mesh to  keep your ears and head feeling comfy and protected at all times. 

Super long battery life 

The Sony headphones have a 30+ hour battery life meaning even if you are working remotely  in the farthest beach in the world you will have no issue in playing your music. They also fast charge in 10 mins which gives you 5 hours of instant playback time … not too shabby eh? 

Great noise cancellation 

Probably one of the biggest benefits of the Sony headphones is the patented industry leading noise cancelling technology. 

Not only does the tech block out external noise but it also improves the quality of the audio that you’re listening to.

Great for business 

Now for someone who works in sales, I make a lot of calls. The good news for me is that these come with a built in microphone meaning I can use these not only for  business but also for my own questionable taste in music during my free time. 

So I could talk about the  benefits of the headphone as much as possible but I’m going to be nowhere near as eloquent as Mark Spurnell who has put together a review on his YouTube Channel below: 


What to look out for in headphones when working remotely? 

So hopefully you’ve decided to go  with my recommendation but if you have decided to go your own way then I would say there are a few key things you need to look out for when buying headphones: 

  1. Noise cancelling technologythis is without a doubt the biggest thing. Working remotely means you have to deal with external sounds whether you like them or not. Having headphones that can do this and do this well will make a huge impact
  2. Comfortablemost people who  work remotely do so for 8-12 hours a day. That’s a lot of time and so you need to make sure any headphones you buy are comfortable and won;t  damage easily
  3. Function over formI learnt this the hard way, making sure you are buying your headphones for a purpose and not just design is a huge thing. Make a list of all the places you’re going to wear your headphones and what for a work backwards to pick a headphone. 

So if you’re ready to block out the outside world on your remote working journey hit add to cart today!