Best Laptop Stands For Remote Working: My Top Picks for 2020

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When I first started working remotely, I was still in the office a few days per week. Now the desks in my old work office weren’t the best as I was always hunched over. Luckily I found the following laptop stand that was light enough to bring to work but also versatile enough to use from a home office as a laptop stand converter.  

My recommendation then, for a laptop converter has to be the Executive Office Laptop Converter which you can get on Amazon here. 

Not only is it super lightweight meaning you can practically turn any room into your house into a home office, but it also comes with a 100% money-back guarantee, meaning you can rest assured of the build quality on it. 

Why do I recommend the Executive Office Laptop stand?

Don’t worry, I don’t expect you to buy any of my recommendations until I give you a good reason why I choose the laptop stand over other products.

For me the executive office has a couple of major benefits: 

Money-back guarantee

One of the biggest benefits of the stand has to be the money-back guarantee.

Whenever you order anything from the web, you have to do your due diligence, especially when ordering from a brand you might not be familiar with, 

One of the things I love about the executive office is the 100% money-back guarantee regardless if timescale, meaning we can all have a bit of peace of mind knowing that our purchase will be safe for the foreseeable future

Super lightweight

Another huge benefit for me has to be how light the laptop stand is. Let’s face it, you’re buying an item like this to be versatile and to be able to move it around whenever you need it. 

Having an item like this that is super lightweight means you can lug it around wherever you decide to work without feeling like you’ve just done a workout. 

Completely adjustable to you 

Another major benefit has to be the adjustability of the stand. One of the reasons why you are buying this is to ensure your laptop is at eye level.

It is a sad reality but a lot of laptop stands just don’t have the adjust-ability you want and you might find yourself still hunching over whenever using them. 

This isn’t the case with the executive office laptop stand with it being fully adjustable and having fully adjustable 360-degree folding legs ( which again help with collapsing the stand for easy usage) 

Huge tabletop space

Let’s call a spade a spade. 

Almost every laptop on the marketplace is a different size. My Chromebook is going to take up a lot less space than your 20 inch Lenovo laptop. 

As such, ensuring you have a laptop stand that has enough space to hold your device will be super important. The good news is that the Executive Office is built even for the biggest of laptops ensuring that you won’t have to worry about your device being unstable whilst it’s on it. 

One of the things it’s also worth mentioning is that the stand has a textured surface that stops your stand from sliding all over the place which, you know, is useful if you don’t want to smash your screen in. 

Different colors and finishes 

Anything you’re buying for your home office you will want to match the rest of the decor right? 

Luckily for you, the Executive Office laptop stand comes in both white and black ensuring you will  be covered regardless of your interior design ability ( or lack of if you take mine into consideration!) 

Comes ready-made 

So if you’re anything like me DIY is literally the bane of your life. 

Luckily the Executive Office laptop stand comes premade with no assembly required. Soon as you order it, you just need to adjust it for how you want it to look, and boom you’re good to go!

Great build quality

There is a reason this is Amazon’s choice. 

The build quality is incredible. Whilst the device is on the cheaper side of laptop stands, the good news is that it is still made of premium quality materials meaning you won’t have to worry about cheap plastics or a short life span for the device. 

The obvious health benefits

Finally, the last major reason I would recommend the  Executive Office Laptop Stand is the health benefits associated with standing desks. Which can have a huge impact on the negative aspects associated with sitting all day.  

What about budget options? 

One budget option that a friend of mine bought that seems to be pretty good is the Nuluxy Laptop Stand, whilst it does not have the adjustability or functionality of the executive office if you are looking for a cheap and cheerful option this one can come in handy. 

What to look out for in a laptop stand converter? 

So hopefully my recommendation lands but if it doesn’t and you decide to go your own way when purchasing a laptop stand I still want you to get your money’s worth. As such it’s super important that you lookout for the following when making any purchase: 

  • They need to return your stand wherever needed, it’s likely poorer build qualities won’t offer this so any device you buy needs to have this covered. 
  • They need to have a large weight capacity limit ( cheaper desks will not be able to hold a lot of weight which sucks especially if your laptop weighs a fair bit ) 
  • They need to be adjustable, most people working from home might want a break at some point so need to be able to sit down. Sometimes some laptop converters are fixed height which can be a little bit draining 
  • Easy to move around; these types of laptop stands are perfect for use in any work environment, as such they need to have the ability to be foldable and transported easily. 

Why Laptop Stands? 

So why should you invest in a laptop stand? 

The truth of the matter is the world of work is changing. 

Flexible work patterns and a focus on working from home means that generally, we are getting a lot less exercise. 

We need to do what we can to keep healthy and with you likely being in the office a few times a week, it’s important to invest in an item that can be as versatile as your work life will be. 

So invest in the  Executive Office Laptop Converter and let me know how you found it!