An Exhaustive List Of 120 Work From Home Business Ideas 

Working from home business ideas

Being a millennial I can say I’ve been inundated with thousands of fake gurus on YouTube promising me sunset lit beach work and the ability to quit my 9-5 in a few short weeks. The truth of the matter is that liken anything, setting up a business takes hard work, dedication and the ability to survive getting punched in the face.. repeatedly. 

Okay, so maybe I made the last one up, that being said if you are looking to work remotely the one thing you don’t have to worry about lack of opportunity or business ideas.  It might even be the case that you don’t want to set up your own business and instead just have the ability to work remotely. 

So what are the best working from home business ideas? I’ve made a list of 120 below, no images, no nonsense, just a solid list you can come back to whenever you want. 

(Just a heads up a lot of people reading my blog are in the process of designing their own home office. If you want to save some of the painstaking time I did in designing my office, you can find my recommended products here)

Start a blog 

Easily the first suggestion I make to people when looking to work remotely or for themselves is to start a blog. Why? well I have first hand experience doing this – And st the end of the day if I can do it surely anyone can? 

The general idea is to find an idea or topic you know something about – maybe you’re an engineer and you want to set up a blog for university students to help them pass their exams, you can set this up and monetize it quite easily. What’s even better is setting up a blog is a relatively low cost endeavour to start off with at least. 

Now that being said blogging is not a make money quick type scheme with it on average taking a few years to really gain any traction. 

In my opinion the best blogging school out there has to be income schools project 24 which I used to help me go from knowing nothing about blogging all the way to getting somewhat competent at it. You can check it out here. 

Start a YouTube channel 

Similar to starting a blog YouTube is also a massively viable option for a work from home business idea. The simple idea of switching on your phone camera and sharing your expertise with the world can go a long way. 

What’s even better is that YouTube is still in its infancy meaning that there is a lot less competition to potentially reach thousands of people. 

Once again Income school has a great beginners guide to YouTube which talks you through an in depth 60 step process. You can check it out here. 

Amazon FBA 

Amazon FB WHAT?! 

Simply put, Amazon fba is the process of ordering goods from a warehouse, usually based in china and selling them on amazon’s marketplace. 

I’ve had my hand at this before and whilst it has a lot of steps and can prove to be quite complicated, it is a viable option to making a living online at home. 

The problem, well this has been something of a hot topic over the past few years with a number of scammers taking over the YouTube space making unreal expectations. 

In reality you can potentially earn about 20% on your investment and keyword research is super important prior to making an investment. 

Another major downside is the cost with you needing startup capital of about $5000 to get any real traction going. 

The best FBA course out there goes to Johnny Bradly whose course I purchased a few years ago gives you no-nonsense straightforward advice. 

You can check his course out here

KDP Publishing 

Kdp publishing is a great way for any aspiring writers to sell their prized novels on the amazon platform. Similar to Amazon FBA you find keywords that are competitive and write books on the subject at  questions. 

Although significantly cheaper than amazon FBA the major problem is volume. For each e-book sale you will earn about 70% which sounds great but considering most ebooks only cost $2.99 you have to scale this quite a fair bit to make any significant income from it. 

For my money the best person out there for kdp publishing is Sean Dowlet who gives up  to date YouTube videos about the subject. You can check out his channel below: 

Online Surveys 

Online surveys are another great way to start making money online. Advertisers love to test out their campaigns and other products before they go to market and will often use surveys as a way of gauging interest. 

One of my friends did this and earns about $50 per month doing these surveys. It takes him about 45 minutes per day however whilst you won’t be able to retire with the money, you could use it as a stepping stone to greater things. 

Sell homemade products 

Another great way to make money from home would be through selling homemade products. There are a lot of talented people out there who can turn their hobbies into relative goldmines. 

For example let’s say you’ve just taken up knitting or are a keen artist, you can easily drive traffic to a website or partially sell homemade items on sites like Ebay,Etsy and amazon. 

Just make a list of everything you are good at and I’m sure one of your hobbies will be a home run. 

Drop shipping 

Another super interesting home business idea is by dropshipping. Similar to Amazon FBA, Dropshipping (according to shopify at leas is: 

Dropshipping is a retail fulfillment method where a store doesn’t actually the carry the goods orders and isteads orders them just in time or at the point of sale”

Now dropshipping is definitely becoming more and more competitive and unfortunately the margins are not the highest but it is definitely something I’m potentially looking at investing in a few months down the line. 

Print T-shirts 

Printing t-shirts or printing on demand is a great method of producing goods where you don’t even have to create or sell the products yourself. 

The idea behind it is to get an item people are happy to share or let people know about and create items based on that ( i’m looking at you vegans) 

Now that being said because of the relative low barrier to entry it can be very competitive but that being said if you can drive enough traffic (with something like YouTube) it can be a real money earner for you. 

Become a coach 

Another great business idea when working from home would be to become a coach. (no not a pee wee football coach although you can still do this if you want) but a coach on your current profession. 

Let’s use myself as an example, I‘ve been working in sales for the past 7 years or so, as such it’’s easy for me to coach others on sales calls, what to do and what to avoid. 

My sister is a teacher  and  would find it super easy to coach people on English literature. Make a list of everything you are good at, do better than others and then create a website dedicated towards that.

Become a copywriter

Speaking of English literature, a great way for those of you who like writing would be to become a copywriter. 

Copywriting is basically the process of writing content for an organisation to help sell their products. You could do this through websites like i writer or go it alone on sites like Fiverr. 

Typically you’ll find that copywriters are used for things like blogs and news articles but again if you have experience around a particular subject you could really find yourself being able to charge more 

Become a ghostwriter 

So similar to copywriting, ghost writing is the process of writing other people’s content under their names. 

An example of this would be with kindle publishing that we talked about earlier on. As it takes a lot of volume to make any real money doing kindle publishing, publishers tend to outsource the heavy duty writing to individuals.

If you’ve ever read an autobiography on any prominent figure it’s worth noting that they most likely didn’t write it themselves instead opting for a ghostwriter to get the essence of their character. 

So whilst you might not get the credit you will get money it brings in. 

Walk dogs 

So I’m  more of a cat person myself (I’ve literally lost half my readership just stating this) but walking dogs can be a great way to set up a home business. 

Typically Dog walkers walk multiple dogs at the same time and can charge different amounts for different services after all dog sitting is very different to dog walking. 

So how much can walkers typically earn? 

Dog walkers can earn upwards of £11.50 ($14.32 ) per hour. 

Sell on ebay 

I don’t know about you but ebay always seems like a red haired stepchild of the online market space.  

With amazon taking up the most room it’s easy to forget all about ebay. The good news? There is a lot of money to be made 

A few common misconceptions about ebay is that it is just full of people selling their discarded items. The truth of the matter is you need to be present, getting back to your customers demands politely and efficiently. 

You also need to specialise in a certain area. Think about niching down into a certain set of products and dominate as opposed to selling loads of different products. 

Home baking 

Everyone loves cake, and if you’ve been praised for your mad baking skills in the past it might be time to open up a home baking business 

More and more foodies are using tools like Instagram to promote and grow their followings and there is no reason why you can’t do the same. 

One of the best things about home baking as a business idea is that you will often have repeat customers – let’s face it if  people like your food they can come back. 

On top of this the more baking you do the better you will become and the shorter it will take to make orders. 

The potential downside? As you’re dealing with food you will need to make sure you are compliant with any rules and regulations in your country about handling food produce in a  commercial sense. 


Who  knew our selfie skills would come in handy eh? 

Professional photography is notoriously competitive and down right dirty to try and  get into but if you have a passion for it and most important if you’re good at it it’s definitely something worth pursuing. 

My recommendation would be to start with something tangentially related to photography. Maybe you review leases on YouTube or talk about how to use Photoshop and then use your photography as a product that people can use on the back of that. 

Once you’ve built a solid relationship with people the sky’s the limit. 

Graphic design 

More and more people are in need of freelance graphic designers, be it creating cool logos or amending websites UX. 

Now the downside, you need to be good at it. With the advent of sites like Fiverr and upwork you will find a lot of people who will do the work for cheap but not give desired results. On top of this software like photoshop can be quite pricey so if you’re new it might have a higher barrier of entry then most platforms. 

In my opinion it would be great to Instead invest in yourself in becoming the best designer possible and charge a premium.  

Home tutoring 

So we talked about this earlier but if you are a teacher or even past student a great way to set up your home business idea would be to tutor. 

One of the most common ways to do this would be for students who are about to sit their SATs or other exams. 

People get successful by following in the footsteps of successful people and the same goes for sitting exams. 

My opinion would be to start local and try to find a solid base of people locally to go after. 

Web design 

So for any of you in the technical minded amongst you web design could be a great option for a home business idea. 

Now whilst web design could have a high startup cost and years of expertise to get good at, once you have the knowledge you can really beat a lot of the web designers out there. 

Consider using something like w3 schools as a place to start off with. 


Similar to web design, programming is another great way of starting a home business. For anyone who works alongside a programmer you know just how much earning potential there is and if you set up a programming business with your own remote programmers you can skyrocket your income. 

Programming is very much a sort of skill in the US and the Uk with a lot of organisations using companies based in India and Romania for their programming. 

If you put together a good enough USP you could really charge up and get the market share of your client base. 

Interior designer 

So this is a super fun one. IF you have a background with interior design or you love it as a hobby a good option would be to become an interior design consultant. 

People would send you a video of their house and you would give them recommendations on what colours would look good in their rooms, what furniture they need. 

This can be completely remote with you only sending them  a short video back. 

If you really wanted to scale this you could offer to draw up blueprints or mood walls for them, it will just take a bit of creative thinking to work out the correct pricing options. 

Social media specialist 

Over 1 billion people are on Facebook, most the world is now connected and every few years a new social media platform takes shape to dominate the industry ( hello tik-tok)

Social media also has real earning potential for business. If posts get enough reach they can generate huge amounts of sales. 

By using tools suite or orlo you can rapidly grow a business social media output which in turn can drive sales. Just be warned that it can take a bit of time to get any real traction and you have to be consistent at it.

Influencer marketing 

As much as I cringe at the term “influencer” the truth of the matter is that businesses can make huge amounts of money placing their products in the right social streams. 

I personally know one organisation who promoted a make up brand for an influencer for $300 and ended up making $10,000 on the back of it. 

By connecting businesses  to influencers on sites like Instagram you can charge a percentage of sales and generate a life  changing amount of income for yourself. 

PC training 

Whilst it might seem outlandish a lot of people still don’t know how to use computers effectively.

What me and you take for granted other people might not know and let’s face it, does anyone outside of accountants know how to use excel properly? 

By setting up  a beginner PC training platform or coaching service you can genuinely have an impact on people’s lives. 

Online accountant 

A lot of businesses nowadays are moving online, heck if you pick just one of the business ideas from the list  it’s likely you’re going to need an accountant at some point if you become successful. 

Whilst people usually opt in for their local accountant it’s worth thinking about setting up an online accountancy firm that does set policies like P+Ls or balance sheets for clients. 

Word of warning however, you need to be a qualified accountant if you decide to go down this path so see what qualifications are required in your country and go down that path.

Become an online chef 

So similar to our baking idea earlier, if you are handy around the kitchen you could become an online chef, sharing your best recipes via video, coaching clients on how to make the perfect dish/criticizing  their technique. 

You could even sell e-books or your own line of cooking equipment to really up the dollar amount if you like. 

The internet is like 90% recipes anyway so why not join in? 

Personal training 

Personal training is another great business idea you can do from the comfort of your own home. 

Similar to becoming a chef you can get people to send you their form when exercising and offer them pointers. You could sell  workout plans and supplements that actually work. 

If you want to get really creative you could lean into the whole home business idea and show people how to get healthy when working from home. 

Stock market investing 

So I was lifted but tempted to leave this one off the list, mainly because of the amount of spam pushed around on the internet about the stock market and forex trading. 

The fact of the matter however is that people have made serious amounts of money from their bedrooms on this like shorting, day trading and forex trading. 

Just be warned that 90% of people won’t make any money in their first year doing this and that it takes a few years to get good at the process. 

Affiliate marketing 

Affiliate marketing is the process of selling other peoples items on your website,blog,event. 

The idea is that you will get a percentage of any sales. The easiest way to do this would be through amazon’s own affiliate program although they are reducing the percentage earned year on year it seems. 

My strategy would be to opt for  online courses which tend to pay higher affiliates – word to the wise however, don’t set up affiliate links to products or services you or anyone close to you has not used or recommended. 

Financial guru

Guru is another term I hate when used incorrectly. 

If you are a financial whiz however or incredibly thrifty this one might be the best choice for you. Helping people with their personal finance and helping them save 5%-10% can have a huge impact on people’s lives and they are willing to pay for coaching for this regard.

Just make sure the advice you are giving is sound. It’s also worth mentioning if you are considering this there may be some legal items you need to be aware of especially if you are not a function or fiduciary advisor. 

Become a cat sitter 

This is a little bit more like it. Unlike dogs who are pretty crafty cats can sometimes need a bit of a helping hand when it comes to things like taking care of themselves or getting exercise. 

This makes it super difficult to know your cat is being looked after if you go on holiday and the like. My solution? Become a cat sitter specifically for people with cats who have a vacation coming up. 

If you convert one of the rooms into your house as a  cat room you could potentially house multiple catches at the same time. 

Time to become a cool cat!

Flower arranging 

Okay what. So believe it or not my wife actually filled me in on this as she is looking into it. 

The basic gist of it is you design floral jewellery usually for special occasions for events and promote them through social media platforms like instagram. You can have different pricing  options depending on the type and quality of flowers and you can make  anywhere upwards of $800 per set depending on your offering. 

Make up consulting

Becoming a makeup artist could be another great way to  set  up a home business. You could give consulting calls on peoples make up or even give tutorials on how you do yours. 

Those more entrepreneurial amongst you might even want to launch your own makeup line if you’re interested in making the big bucks. 

Home beautician 

So if you have enough room in your house another great option would be to become a home beautician. 

People want what is convenient for them and you can offer your services at your house, or even more conveniently visit people on call. 


Okay I  know there are a lot of dogey stories about on call masseuse but the truth of the matter is that being  a masseuse can offer a lot of  money especially if you are qualified. 

Consider teaching people how to give massages via an online course to generate more significant income. 


This is a great opportunity. Sadly with the advent of the internet there is so much information out there that studies can get analysis paralysis. 

As such they are looking for people who will go a step further to research topics in exchange for cash, a great initial stepping stone.  

Basket weaving 

So this is a cool hobby that I don’t think enough people do. Although you might be thinking not a lot of people do this, the market and demand for this niche is huge if you get involved correctly. 

Join a local class and start to network before you decide to go all in. The only downside? The cost of materials could end up being quite high and you might have to spend a fair amount before you get any traction. 

Get good and teach others how to really get your business going. 

 SEO manager 

Almost all websites use google to get their traffic. As such using SEO methods like link building and keywords research to increase their ranking. 

Unfortunately this goes over a lot of people’s head as it can be quite technical. If you have the skill you could potentially sell an information product on the topic. 

Presentation teaching 

This is a great option and something I’ve considered. If you lean towards being an extrovert consider looking at teaching people how to speak publicly/present. 

It can be a great option especially if you have experience in giving presentations in groups of people. You could easily monetize through things like e-books or coaching seminars or even take coaching calls directly from your home office. 

Wedding planning 

So I got married quite recently, luckily my amazing wife is a complete gangster when it comes to planning however I know a lot of my friends weddings have cost a fortune. 

Being a wedding planner does not require you to get out of the house that much ( apart from the big things like picking the dress and seeing the venues) 

If you’re great at organising consider this a real career path. 


So similar to setting up a home bakery if you’re a good cook all round and have a kitchen big enough, consider setting up your own catering business. 

Share your culinary treats with the world and start local to get the ball rolling. 

Like baking however just be aware of any food hygiene policy that you may need to look at. 

Buy and sell cars 

Easily one of the things on my bucket list to try is to buy and sell cars for a living. You don’t need your own used car lot to sell cars simply use sites like to find the best deals near you and mark up the price by 5-10% once you have done some work to the car. 

You can start small dealing with teen year old hatchbacks and work your way up to exotics if they are your jam. 


Another great home business idea would be to set up a podcast on your topic of choice. 

Nowadays mic’s are relatively cheap ( you can even use your smartphone) and editing software is even easier with free tools like audacity out there. 

The only problem with podcasts is getting traffic as there is no real way to drive traffic to them. In my opinion one of the best things to do would be to have this as an option to drive traffic to another business idea. 


Making money through airbnb can be a great business idea. The general idea is that you either buy or rent out a spare house and then price it competitively on airbnb. 

The whole process has a lot of intricacies but my favorite book on the topic that covers everything can be found here

Just be warned however, if you don’t own your home and you want to use it for Airbnb you might need to have special permissions from your landlord. going down the airbnb route. 


So this is likely at the top of most people’s lists when it comes to starting a business from home. 

Babysitting is no longer just for teenagers after some pocket money. Easily one of the fastest ways to make money is by looking after other people’s kids for a short time. 

Just remember that you might need to go through some parameters to make sure you’re responsible like a CRB check here in the UK. 

Personal shopping

So I hate shopping myself so could definitely use one of these. Personal shoppers help their clients find the best items for them that fall into their budgets.

It’s a great way for people to save time whilst they shop and the top personal shoppers potentially earn thousands for a few hours of work. 

Definitely consider if you want to release your inner fashionista. 

Furniture refurbishment 

Another great business idea is to start a furniture repair/refurbishment business. 

The idea is that you would use cheap or free furniture from sites like craigslist or freecycle, use your designing skills to clean them up and then sell them on for a profit. 

Whilst it might not earn you too much once you get good at it you can scale it up to make a significant income . 

Furniture making 

If refurbishing old furniture isn’t your bag, how about you make your own. The  general concept is the same as the point above except all you will do is make your furniture from scratch. 

I would definitely recommend anyone who considers doing this to block out a room specifically for carpentry as it can be a little bit messy but you can definitely start a brand doing this and gain significant traction if you become good at this 

Design pottery 

Another really cool business idea ( for anyone who has watched ghost one too many times) would be to design pottery. You’re not limited to one type of item and you could make anything from plates to vases. 

Just be warned that this can get a little bit messy. To really scale this business once you become good at it, teach others. 

Teach mechanics 

Now I don’t know my spark plugs from my steering wheels because loads of people love to work on cars in their spare time. 

If you’re the type of person who avoids the garage and would rather take care of your car issues yourself this could be great. You could either visit people remotely, or, teach people how to solve their own problems to really help drive home your profits. 

Become a blacksmith 

Becoming a blacksmith is something that might seem right out of the middle ages but the truth is there will always be a need for people who know how to use metal.

If your arty you can always use this ability to design sculptures and sell them on if needs be. You could even set up something as simple as cutting keys to start off with. 

Just be warned that if you do decide to go all in on this, you will definitely need your own shop.

Gardner for hire

Sometimes there is nothing better than just getting out in mother nature. If you’re tired of office life, why not become a bespoke gardener? 

You could start off trimming peoples bushes and mowing lawns and work your way to bespoke garden designs and ideas. It is a little bit backbreaking but the results are most definitely worth it. 

Design clothes 

This is something that would be terrific. 

Despite the fact that the fashion industry is notoriously competitive there are always cracks that new organisations can get involved in. 

Designing clothes doesn’t require a lot of money to start off with with only a pen and paper, just be warned that you might need to work a little harder than most to get this off the ground to start off with. 

Start a plumbing business 

The world will always need plumbers. 

Surprisingly there is quite a big shortage for plumbers out there and so becoming a player can earn you a large amount especially if you get prominence within your local community. 

If you are on the younger side consider something like a placement or an apprenticeship to really get the ball rolling. What’s even better teaching plumbing is a skill that does not have too much competition so definitely consider look at that for an additional stream of revenue 

Create an app 

I won’t lie to you, creating an app can be quite expensive with any decent app costing upwards of $10000 – $50000 depending on it’s complexities. 

If however you learn how to code a mobile app using tools like javascript  or c++ you can definitely design your own apps that can compete with the best in the marketplace. 

Just make sure you do your research first. 

Start an electrician business 

Similar to plumbing a lot of the old trades have gone out of fashion with most home businesses now being seen as online. 

Electricians can charge a hefty amount for solving emergency problems and almost everyone can learn the skills required to become one. 

Just make sure you search the qualifications required in your area if this is the business path you decide to go down. 

Jewellery making 

So in a lot of developing countries you see a lot of detail and craftsmanship going into jewellery making for the=use of benders to sell their items relatively inexpensively. 

You on the other hand could start a jewellery making business and using social media and other platforms become an influencer in your industry. 

My recommendation would be to start with one item of jewellery first for example earrings then branch out should you become successful at that. 


People are becoming way more health conscious nowadays. 

I mean if I look at my diet I think I eat way more healthy than my parents before me and I’m sure the same can be said for you too. Becoming a nutritionist can really help a person achieve their dream physique with the very best nutritionists earning hundreds to help people follow their plans. 

Just be aware that all the best nutritionists are usually qualifies with a degree or similar qualification so if you want to add clout to your business you may need to go back to school 

Make soap 

No this is not a fight club.

Over the past few years there has been something of a boom with making soap, with most millennials turning a hand at it. 

And with good reason, soap is relatively inexpensive to produce and if you do things the right way you can very much set up a successful brand. 

Just know if you do decide to go down this [ath as things grow you may end up needing a bigger bathroom. 

 Freelance journalist 

Another great way to make more money is by becoming a freelance journalist. it helps of course, to have a background degree in the field however if you know the right contacts you could  definitely get the ball rolling or your journalism degree. 

Although strictly speaking not a business idea it is something you can do from home. Look for freelancing opportunities in your local area as a good place to get started. 

Teach music 

More people than even own a musical instrument. So if you are a savant on the guitar it might be time to share your skill with the world. 

The two main ways you can monetize this business idea is by giving private coaching lessons via things like skype or in person or design your own information course teaching people  to go from beginner to professionals. 

Just try not to bite off more than  you can chew and stick to one instrument at a time to start off with. 

Create a board game 

So this is a pretty creative idea that not too many people focus on. 

The board game industry is thought to be worth 12 billion by 2023 and so designing a board game from home could be a great way to potentially make some money on the side.

Just be aware it can be quite a competitive industry so you will really need your game to stick out. 

Develop a video game 

So I’m not talking about AAA game titles that can cost millions to produce more so mobile app games that can be relatively inexpensive. 

Anyone who knows the phenomenon that was a flappy bird a few years ago knows exactly how successful a small game can be. 

You’ll need to have some background with programming but if you do this could be a great place to start. 

Make your own movie

Another great option for the more creative amongst you would be to make your own movie. 

Now again this industry is notoriously competitive with only a handful of major studios. The good news however is that there are tons of video demand services to potentially broadcast your film. Start off with a short film and take things from there. 

Teach martial arts  

So BJJ is something I ( eventually) want to become good at over the next few years. 

Thanks to a little sport known as MMA hasn’t taken the world by storm and there’s a huge demand of people wanting to update martial arts. 

Becoming good and teaching people over the internet can be a  great place to get started/. 

Virtual Assistant 

Becoming a virtual assistant is something that a lot of people are looking for nowadays. 

With the advent of online businesses organisations are looking to people to manage the manual tasks that require their companies to run.( think customer services person)

It can be a great place to start and you can even scale by starting your own company where you pair up virtual assistants with companies. 

Teach a language 

About 37% of people in the UK can speak a second language. Why not use this skill to teach your language to other people? 

You could do one on one sessions or group sessions to start and even opt for a video course to really get the money flowing. 

Video editing

With the advent of sites like YouTube, people are looking to save time when editing there videos and so video editing is a great business idea you can do from home. 

Now whilst this does require  a bit of an investment on video editing software this can be done in the comfort of your own home so definitely one for any introverts out there. 

CGI artist

It doesn’t take millions to make good looking CGI with tools like Adobe after effects really stepping up in the past few years. 

With the commoditization of the film industry people are looking to outsource a lot of  their effects and animating logos or characters can be a great way to start a business. 

House cleaning 

Let’s face it, all of us do this for our own places so why not do this for others to make a  little bit ecxtra on the side? 

For those of your struggling with some of the more technical stuff on the list cleaning can earn you a huge amount especially if you find and outsource other cleaners for your job 

Business consulting

So if you’ve built up valuable skills in a particular area of business in the past, you can definitely  consider opening  a business consulting business. 

Definitely try to nice down into a topic that you have the most  expertise  in before expanding into other areas. 

Consultants can earn potentially thousands for a day’s worth of work, so whilst it can be a grind for you in the beginning, word of mouth will spread fast. 

Speak publicly 

Similar to teaching public speaking, if you are an expert in the field you can definitely look at public speaker appoints as a viable work from home business option. 

Start with free public speaking events to build up your network before you start looking for paid opportunities. 

Commission only sales 

So again this is one I was a bit hesitant to put on the list mainly because as a salesperson I would never want to work without a base salary. 

That being said if you are desperate to start a business from home and you are a salesperson being a commission only sales person could be a great way to increase your profile. 

One of the benefits about commission only sales is that it is usually uncapped meaning you will have untapped earning potential the harder you work. 

There are however a lot of unreasonable organisations that will employee you in everything but legality so make sure you do your due diligence.

MLM marketing 

MLM marketing is another business idea that personally I  would not opt for but is definitely something that you can excel in. 

The general idea is that you buy items off a supplier and sell them on to friends and family who would then sell them onto customers.. You would take commission on their sales. 

The wordy Pyramid scheme comes to mind but I guess if you have experience in this it could be a viable option. 

Powerpoint coach 

A lot of presentation sucks, they are overly words long and dryer then an overcooked chicken breast

By coming up with templates for presentations you really will stand out, It’s easier than ever to get started with tools like Canva so definitely look into if you’re a whiz in the graphics department. 

Become a private travel agents

Who doesn’t love a vacation? 

Becoming a private travel agent is a  dream, especially if you have a bunch of experience in getting the best deals when you go on holiday. If you are able to do the same for your prospects you can turn your buying habits into a profitable niche. 

Start off by generating an audience through things like a blog. 


So we talked about looking after pets and kids… but what about houses. 

Sadly there will always be unscrupulous people waiting for you to go  on holiday before they decide to steal. 

House sitting gives peace of mind and you get to experience what seems like a mini vacation. 

Property manager 

Anyone who has owned a rental property knows that anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. As such landlords are actively looking for  property management  companies to manage all aspects of a property such as finding tenants dealing with maintenance and reporting on potential areas of improvements. 

Now whilst a lot of realtors have an option for this being a personal property manager will always be easier. You likely won’t charge as high of a rental percentage as realtors so why not get invested, it could be a great way of figuring the ins and outs of the real estate industry. 

Freelance on Fiverr

So we have talked about Fiverr quite a bit in this post but there is a good reason. 

It’s a great platform to freelance and so if you really are struggling to come up with good business ideas have a browse and see what you can help with. 

Now Fiverr does have people who are on the cheaper end but with good reason, sometimes the workload isn’t the best. If you are good at your side hustle definitely consider looking into it. 

Sell on Etsy 

So Etsy is a website dedicated to bespoke arts and crafts gifts. 

So if you’re into making homemade soap or bespoke coasters, Etsy can be a great option. Just be warned that if you are doing something that is super delicate it might not be the best option as a global business. 

Dating consultant 

Bet you weren’t expecting to see this on the list!

Dating can be hard enough but throw in apps like Hinge and tinder, finding a partner is like finding a needle in a haystack. 

Now I’m not talking about pick up artistry or any of that stuff mre so focus on your strengths what you don’t seem to have any problems with and take things from there.

Write greeting cards 

Believe it or not you can earn upwards of $300 if you greeting card message gets picked up by this publishing company 

So if you like lymeric or are a modern day Shakespeare it could be a quick way to make a lot of money with very little time effort. 

Become an Uber driver 

So a few years back being a taxi driver wasn’t at the top of anyone’s dream business list. 

With the advent of apps like Uber and Lyft you can potentially earn a six figure salary all from the  comfort of your own car. This job obviously comes with significant risks but if you’re in need of fast cash this can be a great business idea. 

Deliver food 

Another great option would be to become an Uber eats driver. Now whilst this does not have the earning potential of an Uber taxi driver it could be a great side hustle to find your main business idea 

Start a moving company 

So if you have a van or even a big car you could start your own moving company. This could be a great way to spend your weekends with some delivery drivers earning upwards of $300 for short trips. 

Now you may need to look into your motor insurance but this could be a viable option that could land you about $15000 per year in extra funds. 

Hire out your car

There are loads of great sites out there that allow you to hire out your car for a few days per week. Similar to the Airbnb option all you would need to do is show why people should go with your vehicle as opposed to others on site like Turo

Now for anyone who has the luxury of owning an exotic car you can charge a premium of a few thousand dollars for a few days’ hire. 

Invent something 

Another trippy idea would be to invent a device and patent it. I know most people think that everything that will be invented has been invented but that’s simply not true. 

Instead of coming up with a brand new idea, try and look at ways to improve existing devices and go from  there. 

Buy and sell domains 

So this was a great idea a few years back although the market is definitely shrinking. The general idea is that you will find domain names that are popular like and sell them on in a few years. 

Just be warned however that a lot of the good names have been taken so it might take a few weeks of solid research before you find any. 

Invest in vending machines 

If you want something that is truly passive vending machines can be a great business idea. The general idea is you will find commercial business that would be happy to have a vending machine. 

You then stock and maintain said machine and get the profits every month. Just be aware that they can be quite pricey and you will need to refill them at least once per week. 

Lemonade stand 

One of the oldest things in the book., setting up a pop-up store of some kind like a lemonade stand can be a good side hustle. 

Whilst not a scalable bus home business idea it can be a great way to make money in a hurry if you need. 

Stocks and shares 

Now this is probably the most passive way to start a business. 

Stocks and shares are one of the oldest and safest forms of investment you can make. Simply find companies you are interested in and look like they will achieve healthy growth over the next few  years and invest in that, 

My suggestion if you want to play it safe would be to invest in things like Vanguard’s S&P 500 which on average offers 7% growth year on year. 

If you want to see higher growth than you will need to take a riskier approach by trying to short stocks. 

Proofreading and editing

With the advent of so much content on the internet it’s only natural that there is a lot of bad content out there. 

Heck I make the odd ( or many) grammatical mistakes on my blog and so having an editor or proofreader in place would definitely give me peace of mind. 

Start off with sites like Fiverr  and Upwork and once you have a foothold set up your own business where  you  can charge a premium 

License foreign products 

So if you’re up for the challenges can be super lucrative. The general principle is that you find foregin companies that have not yet entered into your market and take out a licensing deal to sell their product.

Now Getting in with any companies that are worth setting up these licenses can be tough but if you have the time then definitely give it a go. 

Buy and sell old electronics. 

So if you know your way around a  smartphone or laptop you could definitely set up a business where you buy old damaged hardware and fix them up for a profit. 

With even used smartphones selling for hundreds of dollars this could be a very quick way to start earning significant capital.

Become a yoga instructor

So I tried yoga once, let’s just say it did not go to plan. 

That being said you could definitely run an online yoga platform whereby you run live sessions with people from the comfort of your own home. 

Add on something like an online beginners course and you could definitely be on the right track to make some significant income. 

Become a tour guide 

So if you want to get out of the house every now and then and live in a city that attracts loads of tourists one of the things you could get involved in is  becoming a tour guide. 

Try to do things a little bit differently by showing the places not everyone knows about and you could really charge a premium for the enhanced experience you will offer. 

Become a DJ

Let’s be honest we’ve  all thought of becoming superstar DJs at one point in our lives right? Just me…:( 

Now If you’re not interested in going out and DJing live you could definitely consider  something like setting up a mix on Soundcloud and gain a following that way. Heck you could even produce your own hit pop song like this with a lot of artists getting discovered this way. 


Tailoring can be a quick and easy business idea you can start from home. 

Anyone who has even got their trousers tapered knows just how much of a premium tailors charge for  very little work. Start small and then expand as always once you have your base set up.

Become a carer

So for anyone with the right background in giving care becoming a professional carer a few hours a week can be a great way to not  only start a business, but give back to your wider community. 

Start off with a handful of clients and then slowly increase them over  time. 

Just  know that with care you will likely only have a set number of clients you can take on a week before you get overwhelmed so definitely look into this. 


Becoming a live in nanny/au pair can be another great way to start a business. Just be aware it’s likely you won’t have more than one client but you can certainly develop a great bond with the family you’re working with. 

Just do your due diligence first to make sure that the fairly you will be living with are actually people you wouldn’t mind spending a few years with. 

Open a car wash 

Opening up a car wash can bring in a lot more money than you think.

On average in the UK you are looking at about £5 per car and so if you were to wash 20 cars an hour, for a year you could learn about £200,000 per year in profit.

Just be aware that to start off with you will need to make some investment in appropriate cleaning equipment. 

Hardware repair

Similar to buying and selling hardware if you know your way around a computer you could open a laptop and phone repair business

Just keep in mind that you will have to stay updated with the most recent models to ensure you keep your knowledge up to scratch 


So sadly, not all of us are gifted in the looks department, but if you are photogenically blessed then consider submitting your photos to become a model. 

Although the odds are definitely against you, if you do make it you could definitely earn a significant income from doing this. 

Become a human billboard 

So this is a little bit ridiculous but hey it is an out the box idea. 

The general idea is that you would sell off part of your body for a brand for example  you would get a  tattoo on a visible part of your body for a  few years in exchange for an income. 

It is truly a passive income source but would you really want  to be known as the person who  tattooed a brand name into them. 

Do peoples laundry 

So you’d be surprised at the number of people who don’t own washing machines with a lot of apartment dwellers unable to afford them. 

Doing other people laundry can be a quick and easy way to start a home cleaning business. Just be sure that the cost you charge is enough to cover your spin cycle as you know, constant washing machine use does add up after a while. 

Become a public notary 

Public notaries are impartial witnesses to legal documents. The average notary earns upwards of $30,000 and doing this could be a very quick and easy way to start earning funds as a side hustle. 

Event planning 

Similar to weddings there are a lot of other  events that people do not want the hassle to plan out themselves. For example a lot of organisations run conferences  but don’t want to do the grunt work of contacting venues and coming up with an agenda. Start small with local events and build your credentials to make relationships with venues and you will be in the best place possible to negotiate with the big boys. 

Pool cleaning 

So depending on where you live there might  be a lot of pools. 

As such starting a full time pool cleaning business can be a great way to start making regular income. One of the great things about this business idea is that it is regular with most pools being needed to be cleaned at least one per week. 

Just be aware that this is likely to be a very seasonal business so a great idea if you want something to do in the summer. 

Writing and editing Resumes 

Finding a job can be  hard. You can be the most qualified person for a role but you Cv can definitely let you down and prevent you from getting your foot in the door. 

By starting a business that review people’s resumes and even write them for people you can help people get their dream jobs which is a lovely feeling 

Become a brand ambassador

If you have a large enough following on social media or a significant influence on those who do you could become a brand ambassador for some of your favorite products. 

Just be aware that sometimes brand deals can have quite strong guidelines so you will need to stick to these if you want to continue your partnership for a long time. 

Build a chrome extension 

Google’s chrome web browser is becoming more and more popular as the years fly by with almost 100,000 existing chrome extensions on the marketplace. 

Why not come up with your own idea if you are technically minded and figure out how to deliver value that other people do not. 

Sublet your property

If you are lucky enough to own your own house or apartments, consider sub-letting one of your rooms. It could be one of the fastest ways to earn a side hustle to help cover your bills or business expenses. 

Again just make sure you do your due diligence as there will be nothing worse than having a nightmare tenants and having to live with them. 

 Become a voice over artist

Thanks to apps like audible there is a boom in the audiobook market. As such voiceover talent is hungry at the moment with writers paying hundreds for you to transcribe their books. 

Start off on specialised sites like as opposed to freelancing sites like Fiverr or UpWork. 

Snow Ploughing

Mr plough, that’s my name my name again is mr plough…. Okay sorry I couldn’t resist. 

With that awful Simpsons reference out the way if you live in a timidly cold environment in the winter and you own a car/plough equipment capable of doing the job ploughing people’s driveways and roads could be a great side hustle during those cold winter months. 

Marriage counselling 

Similar to relationship coaching. If you have a background in psychology or experience in counselling you could definitely consider becoming an at home marriage counsellor, 

Whilst you might not be able to charge as much as in person therapists do, it is certainly a massive market with ( sadly) 50% of all marriages not working out. 

Clean windows

So if you’re not scared of heights window cleaning can be a great option. 

Whilst not super demanding on the brain it is hard work so be prepared to be a little sore when you’re done. Start off with your neighbourhood and then ease into commercial building who likely already have a provvedere in place, 

Use Mechanical Turk 

Mechanical Turk is an Amazon run website that allows businesses to task out three menial jobs to people. 

This is a great option if you don’t have the strongest internet connection or are based somewhere with a cheaper cost of living. 

Whilst not a business idea overall it can be a great way of helping you pull capital together. 

Car advertising 

So if you own a vehicle you could set up a nice side income by advertising on your car.Just make sure you are happy with the design and size of the advertisement as advertisers will try to get as much as they can for the smallest cost possible. 

If you own multiple cars you can set up a fleet of vehicles and start making significant income every month. 

Become a sports coach 

Bjj isn’t the only sport you  can coach with hundreds out there on offer. One example could be becoming a tennis coach where you get people to record their serves and then coach them on their form. 

Just make sure you’re actually good at the sports you’re coaching as no one likes a backseat driver. 

Professional gamer 

E-sport is on the rise massively with gaming pots going for millions. If you’re an avid gamer this could be a great way to start making significant income. 

As always start small with local competitions and work your way up to brand sponsorship deals. 

Become a referee

So if you have free weekends and are not too worried about starting a full blown business a great business idea would be to become a referee. 

You could officiate any spot you like for any age category and it will help keep you fit and healthy too. 

If you really want to grow this why not start your own referee agency and pair up refresh with sporting clubs who need them. 

Sell your own produce

So if you have a large enough garden and love getting out in the sun consider selling your own vegetables. 

You can grow staple foods in most countries like potatoes and chillies, however if you own a greenhouse, consider growing something more exotic. 

Supermarkets will often spend a lot on shipping in exotic foods like mangos so if you can produce these locally you will be onto a winner. 

Now if your interested in the 30 jobs you can’t do working from home I’ve also made a list of those you can find here.

Finally a lot of people reading my blog want to know what products I recommend for a home office/remote working. You can find out my recommendations here and learn how I make money whilst working remotely on the side here


The content on this on this site has been written by Fehed Nicass who has over a decades worth of experience in sales and has worked remotely for the past 2 years.

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