How Much Weight Can A Standing Desk Converter Really Hold?

Laptop Standing Desk Converter

So I’ve finally decided to jump on the bandwagon and commit to a standing desk converter. I mean working from home and sitting down all day is definitely having an impact on my poor butt. One of the issues I keep running into, however,  is the weight limits, with different converters varying greatly in weight capacity. 

Basic Standing desk converter models can hold between 30-40 pounds (13kg-18kg). This can increase to over 100 pounds ( 45 kilos)  for premium electric and gas spring powered desk converters which are able to support more weight

To help explain more I made a table below highlighting the differences in weight capacity: 

Type Name Weight Limit 
Laptop Standing Desk  Converter  Executive Office Laptop stand   20 Pounds (9kg)
Fixed Height Riser  Miracle Desk Standing up desk  30 pounds (13kg)
Basic Manual Adjustment Converters Mount Adjustable Converter  33 pounds (14.9kg)
Gas Spring Adjusted converters  Vivo Black  35 pounds (15.8kg)
Electric converters/Standing desks  FlexiSpot 350 pounds (158.7kg)

So why are standing desk converters better than others, and what are the health benefits of standing while you work? 

(Just a heads up a lot of people reading my blog are in the process of designing their own home office. If you want to save some of the painstaking time I did in designing my office, you can find my recommended products here)

Keep reading to find out more. 

How much weight can standing desk converters hold? 

Standing while you work. It’s becoming more and more popular as people try to find better ways to stay healthy while they work. I mean let’s face it, standing up for a few hours sure beats working out. One of the ways people are doing this is through standing desk converters. 

Now weight load for these will be super important as these can be notoriously fiddly with weight loads often varying greatly from device to device. 

Before we go into detail we need to understand what weight load is. Simply put, it’s the capacity and the amount of weight an item can hold before the said item will break. 

Standing desk converters that can typically hold between 30-40 pounds or (13kg-18kg) in weight. 

This should be enough for most converters to hold the following devices comfortably: 

  • Laptops ( which weight on average 5 pounds or 2kg) 
  • Computer keyboard ( which weigh on average 3 pounds or 1.5kg)
  • Computer Mouse ( which weigh about 130grams)
  • Two computer Monitors ( which usually weigh no more than 10 pounds each)

The total weight of the above items being 28 pounds or 12 kilos, well below the weight limits of 20-40 pounds

Now it’s worth mentioning that the weight loads of standing desk converters often vary quite a bit with the different types of standing desk converters. These typically fall into the following categories: 

  • Laptop Standing Desk Converters 
  • Fixed Height Converters (Risers)
  • Basic Manual Adjustment Converters
  • Gas Spring Assisted Converters
  • Electric Converters
  • Standing Desks

Electric standing desk converters and standing desks are able to sustain more weight. Electric standing desk converters typically are able to hold upwards of 50 pounds and even on some occasions take this all the way over to 100 pounds. 

We will talk in more detail later in the post about the different weight limits of the devices, but once again, I’ve put together a quick table below showing 5 different desk converters and their weight limits: 

Type Name Weight Limit 
Laptop Standing Desk  Converter  Executive Office Laptop stand   20 Pounds (9kg)
Fixed Height Riser  Miracle Desk Standing up desk  30 pounds (13kg)
Basic Manual Adjustment Converters Mount Adjustable Converter  33 pounds (14.9kg)
Gas Spring Adjusted converters  Vivo Black  35 pounds (15.8kg)
Electric converters/Standing desks  FlexiSpot 350 pounds (158.7kg)

As you can see we find that the more complex the desk converter the more weight it can support. Laptop standing desk converters by nature are likely to hold much less weight than their gas-powered companions

For any visual learners like me out there I’ve put the chart together in a graph: 

Weight limits on standing desk converters graph

Ratio of item weight to weight limit

So is there a correlation between how heavy a standing desk converter is to the weight it can support? 

Let’s use the examples above again but this time add an extra column for the weight of the item: 

Type Name Weight Limit  Weight of item
Laptop Standing Desk  Converter  Executive Office Laptop stand   20 Pounds (9kg) 2.62 pounds
Fixed Height Riser  Miracle Desk Standing up desk  30 pounds (13kg) 19 pounds 
Basic Manual Adjustment Converters Mount Adjustable Converter  33 pounds (14.9kg) 30 pounds 
Gas Spring Adjusted converters  Vivo Black  35 pounds (15.8kg) 50.6 pounds 
Electric converters/Standing desks  FlexiSpot 350 pounds (158.7kg) 106 pounds 


Wight capacity on standing desk converters

As we can see there is no correlation between the amount of weight a standing desk converter can hold and the amount it weights. So now that we know roughly the weight capacity of standing desk converters we can break these down individually by item type. 

The different types of standing desk converters

As we mentioned earlier on there are 6 main types of standing desk converters: 

  1. Laptop Standing Desk Converters 
  2. Fixed Height Converters (Risers) 
  3. Basic Manual Adjustment Converters 
  4. Gas Spring Assisted Converters 
  5. Electric Converters 
  6. Standing Desks 

Let’s break these down individually to find out the differences in weight load between the different types. 

Laptop Standing Desk Converters 

Laptop standing desk converters typically are the cheapest and most portable forms of standing converter. They are usually much smaller and lighter as they are only really used for holding a laptop and not much else. 

The majority of these today can be adjustable although you can find some that are not. 

Converter Name Weight Load 
Boyata  6 pounds 
Armyte 33 pounds 
Executive Office  10 pounds 

The average weight load for a standing laptop desk converter is 16.3 pounds 

Fixed Height Converters (Risers)

Fixed height risers will allow you to hold more equipment than just a laptop on your standing desk converter. Fixed height converters specifically don’t have any adjustability meaning they can often be slightly bulky at times. 

Converter Name Weight Load 
Miracle Desk  30 pounds 
Miracle Desk  30 pounds 
Miracle Desk  30 pounds

The average weight load of a fixed height converter is 30 pounds 

Basic Manual Adjustment Converters 

Basic Manual adjustment converters allow for a degree of movement. Let’s say you want to move your converter exactly to eye level … you’ll be able to do this!  The only downsides though is that they tend to not have as much movement as compared to their gas and spring powered counterparts. 

So how much weight can they hold? 

Converter Name Weight Load 
Fitueyes 88 pounds 
VIVO 33 pounds 
Mount-It 44 pounds

The average weight load for a basic adjustable desk converter is 55 pounds 

Gas Spring Assisted Desk Converters 

Gas/Spring-powered adjustable converters are usually made of higher quality materials than other adjusters and offer a greater degree of adjustment than manual converters. As such they are usually quite a bit pricer. 

Converter Name Weight Load 
VIVO 33 pounds 
VIVO 60 pounds 
Fezibo 33 pounds

The average weight load for a gas/spring adjustable desk converter is 42 pounds. 

Standing Desks/Electric converters

Okay I know what you’re thinking? Why does everything else have it’s own section when electric/standing desk converters don’t.

In my opinion, when people are looking at desk converters they usually have specific budgets and electric desk converters and standing desks are usually out of the price range. I mean at what point does a desk converter just end up becoming, well a standing desk!

That being said I did do a few comparisons to work out the average weight load for these as well

Converter Name Weight Load 
Flexispot 350 pounds 
Flexispot 350 pounds 
Flexispot 350 pounds

(you can probably tell I’m a fan of flexispot)

The average weight load for a standing desk/ electric desk converter is 154 pounds. 

Now for anyone interested in reading more about weight limits on electric desks I’ve written a post talking all about it. You can find it here.

Which standing desk converter holds the most weight? 

Electric standing desk converts hold more weight than their gas-powered and manual counterparts. The typical weight load they can support on average is 154 pounds when compared with 20-50 pounds for other standing desk converter types like laptop standing desk converters. 

Why are desk converters becoming more popular? 

Good questions, I remember being at work a few years ago when one of my colleagues bought one of these. I initially thought he was losing his mind. 

Unsurprisingly karma came back round to me and a few short years later I’m an advocate seeing these become more and more popular. In my opinion there are a few key reasons for this. 

Firstly, It’s no surprise that we are currently going through an obesity epidemic, so anything that can help get people to lose a few pounds is going to be advised. 

Secondly, a lot more people are working remotely and from home then they were even 5 years ago, This means that people are looking for ways to have an adjustable desk like the ones in their office but bring that experience home. 

My Recommendations

So hopefully the post today has helped you understand a little bit more about standing desk converts and just what the weight limits on these are. 

My recommendation is to: 

  1. Understand roughly how much weight will be kept on the desk at any given time.  
  2. Are you wanting to replace your desk for a standing desk or just simply looking for a converter.

If it turns out to be the latter I would recommend going with a basic adjustable converter that can hold more weight than their spring counterparts. 

All of my recommendations can be found on my resource page but if I were to choose my favourites it would have to be: 

Finally a lot of people who read my blog about remote working are curious about what I would recommend to earn a side income through blogging. I recommend project 24 which you can find out more about here


The content on this on this site has been written by Fehed Nicass who has over a decades worth of experience in sales and has worked remotely for the past 2 years.

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